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Tridev Air Ambulance in Patna Is Available...

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Tridev Ambulance

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Number of views : 57
Last visited : 14/02 at 00:39
Reference : 21595

Ad details

Have you noticed that your family member needs urgent transportation in a severe condition? Do you have any requirements for an air ambulance now?

If you are in search of the best medical aircraft, you can come with us. We, the Tridev Air Ambulance Service in Patna are well-equipped and transport the patient with our more enhanced services. Our medical flight has lots of facilities like a commercial stretcher, a ventilator, an oxygen cylinder, and more. Tridev Air Ambulance in Patna is very helpful in an emergency because it is available 24 hours and maintains all the features for the patient.

Contact today, for more details and further inquiry:

Tridev Air and Train Ambulance Services

Mob: - +917070763810

Email: – tridevairambulance@gmail.com

Website: - https://tridevairambulance.com/


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