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PRS Guitars Electric and Acoustic Guitars...

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Number of views : 234
Last visited : 12/01 at 22:40
Reference : 13560

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PRS Guitars (Paul Reed Smith Guitars) was established in 1985, paul reed smith. It is an American guitar and AMP manufacture arranged in Stevensville Maryland. The PRS guitars are known for their incredible bird to decorate design. The PRS guitars are famous for their unequivocally designed maple tops, top-notch artistry, and current guitar designs. The Company is presently manufacturing acoustic and electric guitars, basses, enhancers, and extras.

Prs Company produces a wide variety of musical string instruments and musical instruments.

The Guitar Store Online offers a wide variety of PRS Guitars, Also The Guitar Store Online stock special PRS Vintage collation including PRS SE Custom 24, PRS S2 USA Custom 22 in Ltd Edition, and many more...



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